While non-surgical facial rejuvenation can go a long way in working to reverse the signs of aging, a surgical facelift remains the gold standard for treating wrinkles, fine lines, creases and folds in a permanent and comprehensive fashion.
As the central feature of the face, the nose must strike a delicate balance, directing the gaze to the eyes and the smile, while functioning efficiently as a mechanism of breathing.
Neck Lift
The neck lift procedure restores a smooth, youthful aesthetic, boosts self-confidence, and beautifully slims the neckline, creating a more attractive look in clothing.
Brow Lift
A low-hanging, wrinkled brow can cause others to perceive you as tried, disgruntled or even angry, even when you’re in the best of spirits. The brow lift procedure can help smooth out the forehead and elevate the eyebrows, creating a more well-rested and pleasant countenance.
Eyelid Lift
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyelids are the curtains, and when they’re sagging, puffy or unduly wrinkled, it can have a significant effect on how others perceive you. The procedure can also help improve vision for those whose eyelids are drooping below the pupil.
Chin Implant
A chin implant can help create balance and harmony in the facial features, especially if the nose is too prominent, or the cheekbones are too flat. Often, the rhinoplasty procedure will include a chin implant, as this can help stabilize the profile.
Ear Surgery
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, can resculpt and reposition the ears to create a more attractive appearance, pinning the ears closer to the head and excising any excess fat, bones, cartilage or skin.